hey best friend.

i know i dont say this enough but i love you&thank you.

i love you for all the crap you put up with for me,
i love you for all the delicious treats&the second home you offer me,
i love you for putting up with the biggest embarassment of your life but still bear to stand next to me,
i love you for today…you stood up for me&I know it was hard to bear with me tonight as well, with my constant jibberjabber about him&i bet he did the same to you too&you pretended to listen&care to the both of us even though we had totally opposite stories but that’s the person you are…i know you hate being in the middle, especially with your past experiences with getting in the middle, but you still put up with us tonight and i love you for that(:

thank you for everyday,
thank you for pretending to listen,
thank you for actually listening,
thank you for pretending to laugh,
thank you for actually laughing,
thank you for being someone i can run to about anything, whether it be a boy, a chapstick, or food.

i know i dont say it enough, but i mean every word !!
August 5th, 2008 at 11:54pm