BC,Rain and Sudden Friends

Im leaving for BC in exactly 3 days!We're taking a plane there so im scared it might crash but i doubt it will!:P
We're staying with my aunt, uncle & two cousins! My cousins are little as in the oldest is 1 and a few months and the youngest is only like 3 weeks! They're adorable!!!!!!
Also, the place were going to has some stuff going on while were there! There's gonna be a swing dance jamboree and a peach festival!ok now that i say them they sound kinda lame but i dont care:P

Yesterday it was pouring rain!and i mean LOTSSS of rain! But it was so cool cuz no one was outside so i went out in a tank and shorts and ran around in the rain for like 3 hours!!!it was sooo fun!!!I was soaked within like 5 minutes!shockingly im not sick!!!!It was so awesome! I suggest that you all try it sometime!

There's this guy from my school, actually im pretty sure he got expelled but whatever. Before he was a total jack ass, always being real sexual and trying to grab your stuff and show you his stuff on webcam and junk. but now hes actually kinda cool! Like we have the same music interests and we get along!im totally shocked cuz i only ever thought of him as the horny loser! now we actually talk on msn and on the phone!Its kinda weird, after all i never thought we'd be friends!
August 6th, 2008 at 03:37pm