HTLM *glares at said word*

I really thought I knew the computer until I met that dreaded word.I swear I can not fix my profile with that thing.It's so hard and confusing @_@ When I finally think I understand it something else go's wrong.I'm just about ready to change my profile back to the original layout.I cant because it's really ugly in my opinon...But anywho I'm realy bored right now,and I have the theme song to bokusatsu tenshi dokuro-chan stuck in my head.Seriously how can you not all those pipirupi's it's addicting,and just so you can get addicted I'm going to post the link....wait can you do that in journals..I don't know but I'm still going to....
Anywho back to serious matters today I found out that pumpernickle is a funny word.Serioudsly everytime I say it it makes me laugh.Come on say it with me pumpernickle.Well now i'M BORED AGAIN ..*SIGH* OOPS i WROTE IN ALL CAPS...oh looks like the curse has returned *inside joke*nya......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
woohoo dots the ever addicting key.Well now I'm probably going to draw a picture.Not that I can draw but one day I will finish I'm planning with my sister ryu and the other one with aya and the other one with red-chan.Well if you are still reading this useless ramble then I thank you because I would never read anything like this even though I'm typing it.....Well I have pictures to attempt to draw and stories that I have not posted yet to finish,so minna jaa ne.
August 7th, 2008 at 08:15am