A Year On Mibba.

So today I have been on Mibba for a year.


Long time? I guess.

Feels like it? Nope.

I decided to write this journal because for one I kind of need to Christen my journals as they say and, well, I thought it was kind of an appropriate journal.

- Just as a warning I was writing this at four in the morning so if it’s weird…you’ll know why. -

Mibba was really confusing even when I hadn’t even signed up yet. I did use ficwad.com in the very start of getting my NC-17 Frerard fix but things were boring and lifeless on there and I needed a change. So I found Mibba and here I am, aren’t you glad? Lie if it’s no. Because otherwise I shall hunt you down with a rusty spork and kill you. Heh, heh. Not really. I swear.

When I signed up to Mibba I was thrown into a world of colour - mainly orange and blue at first - and total insanity. All these update reminders and comments and profile changes and styles and signatures. I had no idea of what I was doing. I was in way over my head. So, like when I first found Mibba I lurked - yes, very much like the crazy stalker freak I am in real life - and tried to work things out.

Oh and can I also point out that unlike many of you lucky first timers I did not get profile page raped with people asking me if I needed help! I worked things out all on my own. Seriously! I did so. Don’t start arguing with me now, okay?

Anyway, I eventually got enough courage to put up a story which was…sigh…Waycest.

I’m gonna get my shield ready for the hate messages now. ¬.¬

Yes, yes, not all of us like that. I get it. It’s wrong and illegal but might I remind you that it is fiction, not real and just a plot? When I write a story I just use a real persons characteristics and bits and pieces from their life story sometimes, I don’t try and make it ultimately real because that isn’t how fiction works. So before you do start going on about morals. I get it. Now shush and let me carry on…

I decided to have a stab at it because I had seen a lot of people talk about it and read a couple of one shots and some short stories. But when I tried all I got was comments on how it was like some other story they had read on another site that I hadn’t even heard or read. - You can‘t accuse me of stealing now. Hah! -

My readers still supposedly thought it was good. But I had enough of that. It was annoying being reminded every single time I updated that somebody else had written something like my ideas. I mean who wouldn’t be annoyed with that? So, I deleted the story post-haste before I got anymore comments like the ones I had mentioned.

I trailed away back into the lurking darkness, licking my war wounds, intent on not coming back to Mibba again. But the draw of people’s updates yanked me back in for more. I slowly started to interact with people again and comment on other’s stories.

As I read more stories I began to think about my own plots and right them down. Soon they were all I could think about and I was ready to have another stab at posting something again.

A Frerard.

Heartbreak In Stereo.

A cliché title - I know - using a bands album title. It was the only thing I could come up with being such a noob. Besides as my dear readers have found, there was a lot of heartbreak in there - especially at the end. Not trying to give anything away - so it kind of tied in nicely.

I was never really with ‘HIS’ as it progressed. My muse came and went. I needed some new, something fresh. Ideas were swimming around in my head but they just wouldn’t fit with ‘HIS’. Updates were few and far between as well.

I had read many highschool Frerard’s but I knew I could do at least a little better. And that was how ‘Our Secret Love’ was born on New Year’s. I feel that with the total of 868 readers, 243 subscribers and 842 comments and counting it was what made me what I am today.

- Although I‘d hardly say that was much of an achievement seeing as not that much has changed and I still think I’m a total noob. -

As time has gone on I have been able to master most things on Mibba such as my profile, writing stories, commenting on stories, connecting with people, my profile layout and more. I don’t think I have ever spent as much time on any other site as I have with this one. It’s very much different to any other.

Today, I have one finished story, two running ones, two one-shots and now one journal in my writing family. I’d say it wasn’t bad. And there’s gonna be more to come, you have not seen the end of me yet.

So far I have only really written Frerard’s but I want to tamper with other pairing’s and then move onto writing in other styles and using other characters.

So there you have it. I brief…ish account of my time on Mibba.

Thanks for reading.


August 7th, 2008 at 08:18pm