About Melt Your Headaches, Call It Home

Ok, this message was a bigger deal for the people reading on Quizilla, they seemed to have a much less open-mind when reading the ending and epilogue of Melt Your Headaches, Call It Home than you Mibbites do. I felt like I had to be on the defensive with some people and that wasn't a good feeling, especially since I've put so much effort into this story. So the following is a statement for all those who did NOT like the ending of the story:

Sadly I feel I need to create this journal post because apparently, I have caused quite an uproar with the readers of Melt Your Headaches, Call It Home. You all seem to be divided between loving it or hating it. I don't know if anyone's actually going to read this but it will get some pressure of my mind, here's just a few of my thoughts about it, if you had a problem with it:

1 – It's my story. This is what I decided to do with it, Ryan's fate was already decided before I wrote the first chapter. To quote someone very smart: "Hey, the way I see it is it's your story. Who is anyone else to say what happens. Sure, I hate that Ryan died, but it's not like you killed him in real life!!! It's only fanfic people! Besides, if they would've gotten married and lived happily ever after, it would be like almost every other story. This def makes it stick out. I hope you don't let them bother you -- there are some of us out there who have a realistic imagination." I think she basically sums up what I wanted to say quite well, it also brings me to my second point.

2 – Did you want to read the same fan fiction you read every time with some cliché super happy ending where the main girl and Ryan wind up getting married and have a gazillion babies and die together in their sleep like in the notebook? Personally, I think that is way too boring and completely unrealistic, my way at least hold more elements of emotion. Life is not so cookie-cutter perfect.

3 – Did you have an issue with Charlotte ending up with Jon when it was supposedly a "Ryan Ross" story? I've taken off anything that says it's specifically a Ryan story, does that change all of your opinions? Did you like Ryan better? Well then his death is that much more meaningful. Also remember the Christmas dinner and all the way back to the beginning chapters – the chemistry between Jon and Charlotte was always there, even if it wasn't the same type as Charlotte and Ryan. Also Jon Walker is pretty freakin adorable, I don't understand why him and Spencer always get less attention than Ryan and Brendon. (I am guilty of slightly ignoring Spencer in the story – BUT there's a reason.)

4 – I just have to ask. Did you down rate it because you thought the writing was bad or because you didn't like that I killed him? I thought that was a very well written piece and I've had a bunch of people tell me that they cried. I take pride in that. I thought I captured a lot of real emotion in it, did you see that at all?

Ok. That's all I have to say in my defense. Personally, I'm absolutely in love with this ending, but I still want to know what you think even if you hate it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and have the freedom to express them, just make sure you think about what you write before you do, because I take it seriously. I've spent practically six months on this and have poured a lot of myself into it. But, just consider what I've said, but if doesn't change any of your opinions… hate it if you must.

That being said, there is the whole other group of you that said you loved the ending. Thank you. I can only say that all of your comments made me smile and I'm glad that you understand what I did and have accepted the way I chose to end it.

August 8th, 2008 at 04:41am