I'm Tired Of Worthless Fame

These times are changing. The news no longer consists of global problems and issues. Instead finding that Amy Winehouse's boyfriend has been sent to jail, or Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are having marital problems are populating the columns.

Anyone can make it into the business now-a-days. From washed up cast-aways off Survivor and people like Paris Hilton these unimportant people are making waves. Everywhere. Globally. And all for what? Most of them don't even have talents. Saying "That's Hot" and trademarking the quotes are ridiculous.

But I'm guilty of reading all these things. So much for being a hypocrite I guess. Well, I couldn't give two rats arses about 90% of this celebrity world. The music industry has lowered their standards as well. Some music is just plan crap. All beats, no proper lyrics. It's very irritating to say the least. I can safely say that I could probably count on my fingers famous people I actually wouldn't mind reading about.
August 8th, 2008 at 07:30am