I always want evil to win?

I was watching a movie today, Van Helsing (Yay!) and my friend pointed out that in most films I always want the villain to win! Haha, I was sitting cheering on Dracula. So I said it's not that true, only sometimes. So she said "Van Helsing, Sweeney Todd, Dark Knight and Secret Window (not shooter, Johnny Depp, cause he's sort of evil in it." Notice how all the villains are hot in it? Haha.

I did agree with the bad guys though, and I think the Joker is just plain awesome haha. I'm seeing Dark Knight for the second time today. I was gonna see it last week but the queue led outside and when I was about half way through the line there were only 2 seats left and the next showing was in about 3 hours >.<, I was so disappointed but then I saw it the next day :D.

Has anybody else wanted the bad guys to win? Or developed an obsession with the joker? Haha.

Lara xoxo
August 8th, 2008 at 11:11am