ACOAL Preview!

-Steph’s POV-

We were all tired from having to deal with Celine. That woman is absolutely crazy! Anyway, we came home to a big comfortable-couch. Yeah we crashed on the couch. We couldn’t even get to our beds, we just went straight to the couch and fell asleep. We were like that for a while until I felt someone’s arms around me. I partially woke up and was about to ask when I heard someone talk.

“Sorry for waking you up Steph, go back to sleep sweetie,”

“Okay,” I murmured and fell back asleep. We were all out for a while when I woke up. I saw Addie and Joe curled up together, completely passed out on the floor, Joe snoring and all. I started chuckling a little. I saw Ally on one of the really big chairs earlier and she was still there but Nick was next to her, holding her, on the verge of falling asleep.

“Hey Nick,” I whispered loud enough for him to hear, while tangling out of Kevin’s arms.

“Hey Steph, I have a question for you. Why doesn’t Ally ever talk about any friends from home besides Alex?”

“I don’t think I should tell you, she should. I just think that she doesn’t want to face it, but if I know one thing: she will tell you if you ask. Alex has been one the best friends she’s ever had. They fight a lot but they get over it pretty quickly. Yeah he may be her ex, but believe me when I say that they would never get back together. She knows that it wouldn’t work out. She told him about you and he couldn’t be happier for her,”

“She really trusts me, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah she really does,” I said to him. They seem so perfect together. I’m happy for her. There was a bit of silence before he said something.

“She looks beautiful when she’s sleeping. She is just so humble and selfless. I haven’t seen that in a person in a long time,”

“She understands that life is hard for some people and that you should embrace what you have. It’s our life saying, I guess,”

“It’s a very good one,”

“It is indeed. Do you want something to eat? I was going to try to find something in the fridge,”

“Sure,” he said and he kissed my sisters forehead before coming with me. I swear that she smiled in her sleep.
August 9th, 2008 at 05:07am