I learned something...

Alright, i'll admit,i've been feeling pretty bitchy/bi-polar-ish lately. Thank god for My best friend being such a great listener [<33 u know who you are] but i'm sorry anyway. But since my birthdays' coming around maybe i should cheer up a bit. I mean, my life isn't horrible,I have amazing friends who care and support me,a boyfriend who loves me, ALOT to be excited and happy for, and a family who through all there drama are always there... I don't know, I tend to be a drama queen sometimes plus i love to be in the spotlight all the time, i blame being a Leo. haha, whatever the point is that instead of always focusing on the negative things in life look at things for the better. Now as cheesy fourtane-cookie like as that is it's completely ture.Thats all really, felt like sharing this to the world for a brighter future. :) peace and love world<3
August 9th, 2008 at 06:42am