PROJEKT REVOLUTION!!! (Mountain View) letter to atreyu

(a letter i wrote to my new friends)

Dear Atreyu,


I'm just on fan, of around five hundred, who went to saw you guys today. So, you guys probably don't remember one fan. Well, i will try to make you remember. I was in the very VERY front, which i had to fight to get to, by the way. I was the short girl in the blue shirt with a one on it, that kept on getting squished by crowd surfers, and kept on yelling for Alex to take his shirt off X-). Who also looks 12, so everyone around her kept on asking her if she was okay, when she is really 15

And during the signing, i probably was squealing.I got had everyone sign my jeans, the jeans that have writing ALL OVER, got a hug from Brandon, which made me SOSOS happy, and Dan signed my ass pocket, which made me smile like a the true loser that i am.Well that was me. The girl who you guys PROBABLY don't remember. But now, on to you guys. My new favorite band.

You are the main reason i came to Projekt Revolution, and got the best day of my LIFE. Well, i do have a couple things to say, other then, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

First off, WOW. My best friend saw you a Taste of Chaos, which i couldn't go to. And she didn't even scratch the surface of how amazing you guys are!!My favorite song was 'Blow', i LOVED hearing it live, and it was SOO much fun to go crazy to live.I got a guitar pick too, which made my day. But when i got home, and tried playing one of your songs. No were NEAR as good as Dan and Travis, who were AMAZING live. You guys are my new guitar heroes.

My friend ALSO didn't tell me that Marc screams, which was AWESOME!!! And Brandon was AMAZING!!! I am in love with his drum set :-D, And Alex was PURE awesome, except for that he didn't listen to my request. And i loved it when you had the Atreyu Crew come out, and the one guy started singing. He was hilarious.

But, most importantly, thanks for one of the best days of my LIFE!!!

Shani (the girl who can only dream of playing guitar as well as Dan and Travis)
August 11th, 2008 at 12:44am