Personal project

So I'm in this international program where in order to graduate, I have to do this project.
Basically you do absolutely anything
(Honestly, you could draw a circle, save the earth, or get pregnant)
And then in the end you write this 1000 word essay on what it meant, how you did it, and all that joyous stuff.

So I was supposed to start 5 months ago?
But I just can't decide what to do.
You're supposed to do something you're passionate about..
So I was thinking music, and that's what all my friends told me to do to..
but the thing is. There is so much you could do with music?
I was thinking of getting invisible children (the organization) to have a screening in Montreal, possibly at my school, and that being my project. Because I would be happy for helping out, it seems like a good idea. But it's going to be a lot of work.. and it's not something I'm usually in to?

So I've fallen back to music I guess?
I was thinking like.. a book of sorts, where I would make drawings or artwork about my favorite artists and bands, and then write some lyrics down as word art and stuff.
But what's the point of that?

If anyone has ANY idea about a music related project,

And any criticism of my ideas would be lovely too?
August 11th, 2008 at 05:58am