Getting Vag-Punched Hurts, Dude...

Okay, so... it's 2:20am at this very moment and I'm bored as fuck seeing as no one is online and I have no interest to go greet Mibba newcomers, I'll write a ranty-complainy-crack-enduced journal to... to do naughty things to me. YAY.

So, I got home from Martha's Vineyard last night and I'm so so so so tired, but not really. I'm tired, but I just don't want to go to sleep which is why I find myself here.
Anyiero [/cliche], since I'm too young in the eyes of the law to get tattoos without the consent of a legal guardian, I'm stuck with shit alternatives such as henna. Wow. Henna. Srsly.
Check out who is officially too badass for you. Right hurr. It's me. Don't even try to mess with the oddly-shaped henna tattoo star. Honestly the artist must've been on some kind of crack. It's called straight lines. Make them. It's not that hard.

I have to pee really badly right now. I think I'll go do that.


BACK. Now it's 2:28am. I need to talk more.

Pertaining to the title, while at Martha's Vineyard with my friend Zoe and her family, I got vag-punched so many times it's not even funny.
Zoe found out that I'm really really really tickleish basically everywhere, so she decided that every chance she got, she should tickle me. One time she tickled and and I spread my legs to try and get her off me an-POW! Fist to the vag. I rolled around for like fuggin'... ten minutes. It hurts! Most likely not as bad as if I would have had two dangling things there, but still! I think my girly bits suffered blunt force trauma! ...what if they're broken...

And while I was getting attacked by Zoe for the first time I was texting this dude named... Paco*...

*Names have been changed for various to no reason whatsoever. Most likely because replacing names gives way to changing them to something rediculous such as Paco.

So, I'm texting Paco the whole time [basically the whole night 'cause the vag-punching never ended] and we're talking about stuff which is cool.

Paco's Background Info:
- 17 years of age
- going into his senior year [I'm going into sophmore]
- met him in Spanish class because he utterly fails in it and had to take a freshman course in his junior year [HAH]
- he plays basketball
- he listens to S.O.A.D, The Used, Foo Fighters, Finch, Etc...
- in almighty Alex's opinion, he looks huge for his age
- he's cute
- he's not blonde [MAJOR POINTS]

It's really awesome that he texts me 'cause in the Spanish class he became friends with three chicks: Me, Gleek*, and Trom*.

*Names changed once again for lack of better entertainment. I should really get into that whole masterbation scene. Better to occupy my time with

You'd think he'd try to contact Gleek or Trom during the summer but NO! He only has texted ME during the whole summer and that's... fuckin' awesome and unexpected.
I honestly Don't know if I like him or not... everyone is always doing that whole "OMFG YOU'RE TALKING TO PACO!? YOU HUGGED PACO!? YOU'RE HANGING OUT WITH PACO!? PACO SAID HI TO YOU!?" thing and it's really annoying 'cause we're so just friends, but Paco has this whole god-like status in my school and he's way popular and way nice. It's sweet.
On the last day of Spanish class I was like "And now you're never going to even talk to me or say anything to me in the hallway. I know how it is." And he was just like, "Do you even know me!? Of course I'm going to talk to you!" So that was reassuring and nice.
I talked to dear Rach about this matter and her age being much older then mine [20+] she has more experience in such affairs. I told her about it basically five hours ago and she thinks he likes me, but doesn't know if I like him back...
I don't think he likes me like that at all and I'm sure as fuck not going to make any first move type thing 'cause then I'd just be fucked and look really retarded and he wouldn't be my friend anymore and I'll be damned if I let that happen.
I hate manboys. They confuse me. They need to be straight up. BE STRAIGHT UP, PACO, FOR FUCKS SAKE.
I don't even know if I like him either! I mean, he's awesome, but whenever someone would be all "You guys would be so cute together. He's so gonna ask you out!" I'd just be like "No, dude. I'd just say no if he did." I don't know if I would... It'd definitely be a shock in the first place, but... I don't know!{/b] I can't tell if I like like him! [back to the first grade]
Gah. Dilema.


Oh, good news. I'm losing some weight I gained back again.
Weight summary:
Early summer - 122
~after many days of going hungry~
Early July - 115.5
~gained basically all of it back after going on vacation with Lauren and her family who eat three square meals a day... great~
Mid July - 120ish
~lost some again after no eating for quite a while~
Late July - 116-117 [somewhere in there]
~gained it freakin' back somewhat after going on vacation with Zoe's family from the 2nd until the 9th~
Early August - 119
~haven't eaten in a day~
NOW [August 11th, 2008] - 117

This is good... I'm losing some more again.
I have a goal of somewhere from 105-110ish. Around there. 'Cause, seriously... I started out at what? 122. Once I was at 115.5 there was basically no difference in the way my stomache looked at all. Only a bit maybe. Maybe at 110 there would actually be a freakin' difference. A noticable one.
Nessa says 105 would look gross on me since I'm 5'8". That would be "too skinny" or something of that nature, but I don't know. I doubt the difference would show since my stomache is still gross now. I doubt... 12 pounds would make a difference. more like 10 actually 'cause I still look the same at 115. WHATEVS.
Plus, I want to be a size 1... I might settle for a 3, but the 5 isn't cutting it. 5's can go fuck me.


Uhh... I have a secret, but I won't be posting it on Mibba as of yet.


Gerard is pissing me off with this whole 'moving to LA' thing. I might have to castrate him for betraying NJ. Mikey too since he 'really likes LA' and wants to move there too. No babies for the Way's. The balls are gonna roll if they don't move back here.
Frank and Ray are just plain win. NJ pride for life, you stupid Way traitors.
Bob is cool too since he didn't originally come from NJ. He's not a traitor.
Other NJers, join me in a death-glare at Mikey and Gerard.
I hope their homes get earthquaked and they get a wake-up call to move back here where mother nature is a little less threatening and scary. Of course, I hope they aren't in their houses when said earthquake happens. I just want them to be scared. Not dead. Scared is fine. Dead is not.


Oh yeah. I'm seeing Reggie&LeATHERMOUTH on September 12th with the Jenni [you all know her; don't act like you don't] and her friendzles. It should be pwn, even if Jenni has a certain hatred for one greasy James Dewees.
I have the odd and strainge urge to hug him and see if he smells as bad as he looks. Hmmm...
Jenni said she could pick me up at my house at around 3pmish. That means I'd have to actually go to school... LE GAYBUTTSECKS. DO.NOT.WANT. GAH!
Ah well. Some good ol' screamo about serial arsonists, cheating monster girlfriends, 'whores', and other various things that are fucking fun to scream about can brighten up any dull school day. Le partay!


I have to g- OMG! I got Alex a birthday present today at the mall...
I like buying people present; or I would if:
a) I had infinite moneys
b) I knew what in the fuck to get people
c) there is no 'c'
I never know what the fuck to get people. And then of course it's all "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU ASS-RAPING DICKFACE!?" and then they get all defensive and shit. I just don't know anymore.
But, yeah. I got her a prezzie. Or three. Which counts as one still. The bubble-wrap-sendy-envelope thing I'm sending it in is so fucking cute. you have no idea. Do you? You don't.


I have to go pick up my summer reading book tomorrow. Or today, I guess.
It is, "Me and Orson Wells". I think it kinda sucks... but this english teacher in my school wrote it and they're making it into a movie...
Zac Effron is gonna be in it...
*shoots self*


I have nothing else to rant about. Um... word G?
August 11th, 2008 at 09:09am