This is really important

Haha. Not really. But no one ever freaking reads / comments journals these days. l needed to capture attention somehow.

Well there actually was a good reason for this journal.
l just posted a new story called "This Is Everyday Life?" click here for story and I really need feedback, constructive criticism, etc, as to whether I should continue with it.


I am looking for characters.
Yes. Characters. And l know everyone loves being in a story.
So just send me a message (I believe it's called PM?) with a few details, and I shall put you in the very next chapter.
Or the one after.
It will happen.

But you gotta actually read / comment the story. Otherwise your character will be murdered in a horrible painful way. And we don't want that. Do we. O_O

Gen xx
August 11th, 2008 at 04:51pm