Shoveling Food

My parents and Grandparents are always trying to shovel food down my throat! I mean, it's always 'have more chicken' or 'have some more potatoes'.

Today, I was eating lunch and their like here have more of this and have more of that. My Granny claims that I look skinny and anorexic. I'm not at all.

I get like really angry when they say have more stuff. I'm trying to lose weight not gain! And I don't like to eat meat. I'm more of a vegetable person. (does that make sense?)

I swear they're like that Weird Al Yankovic song 'Eat It'. "How come your such a fussy man? Don't want no Captain crunch, don't want no raisin bran. Something something something starving in Japan."

I don't know the lyrics but whatever. And I can't even throw up. I've tried to stick a toothbrush down my throat and hurl but it doesn't work. (That's gross, but...)

Right now I just... HATE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!
August 11th, 2008 at 08:05pm