Sorry I've not been here guys!

I just wanted to apologize for my lack of presence here on Mibba, along with not updating my stories. But I have legit reasons that you may or may not care about hearing but will say anyways.

My life is hectic. Always. That's what you, well I, get for working two jobs and working in music. It's non stop crazy busy.

And on top of all of that I'm trying to move across country with friends of mine. Let me tell you how hectic that is. I doubt any but a few of you know what it's like to live on your own [i've done it for years at this point] but moving on your own is a lot of work. And moving clear cross the country is even more hectic.

So my time has been taken up with being an adult. Which sucks, especially when all I want to do is sit down and write.

So I hope you all hang in there with me and enjoy the updates I'll be sticking up as soon as I post this here journal entry.

I am trying to put all my one shots into the "Collections" thingy so bear with me as I try that out. I am trying to figure it out bit by bit, and it's not making too much sense at all what so ever. So hang on in there with me. Unless you magically know how it works and have converted all your one shots over already... then I'll love you forever if you relay the secrets to me!
August 12th, 2008 at 01:25am