Happy Birthday, Elena Lee Rush!

August 12, 2008.

Where ever people go when they die, where ever you are, I hope you know the impact you've had on your grandchildren, their friends, and their fans;how you've changed their lives for the better and helped them help others.

To me it almost seems like Gerard's becoming sober was sort of a birthday present to you; a thanks for all you've done. Maybe that isn't the reason at all, but I can't help think he loves you too much to ruin what you help build.

And while none of us fans know, or could even imagine, the full extent of what you've done for the Way brothers and the rest of MCR, the way they talk about you sort of gives us a small window in which to look through and feel jealous of. Jealous that it was a few other people and not ourselves to get effected on such a great scale.

If it weren't for you, there would be no My Chemical Romance.

Gerard would have never been Peter Pan;his voice remaining undiscovered.

Gerard would have never been driven to develope his drawing skills.

Gerard and Mikey would not have been into comics on that great a scale without your constant presents of superhero-filled pages.

Early MCR would never have gotten their own little van to tour in.

And maybe some people think I'm going to deep with this, but fuck it. Fuck people. Just because some people lose their passion and site of what's important over time doesn't mean mine's going to diminish. I'm going to keep remembering these dates when others forget them, so people can shove it.

With that said, without you pushing these two boys to succeed and once they did, helping them and their friends to get ahead, countless people wouldn't be here right now, including me.

I suppose all I can say is, thank you and Happy Birthday, Elena.


So long and goodnight.
August 12th, 2008 at 06:12am