Journals & Comments. Oh, & my bitch for today.

Now l know l can't be the only one that gets annoyed when people don't comment my journals.

Call me a bit vain if you will, but l like to know what people think when they read my journals. IF they read them at all. Especially if its about something important that l need people to give me a response on. There's a comment box down there for a reason. I'm not a hypocrite, l comment every journal l read. I don't read a lot of journals, but l do comment the ones l do read, even if its just a stupid random comment that has nothing to do with the subject of the journal.

And another thing.

l'm not attacking anyone or trying to be a bitch, l'm just expressing my opinion.
I hate fan-fictions.
lt's my own personal view, l'd rather not be blasted for it.
But a lot of them are so stupid, and repetitive. I have read so many about a girl getting adopted by/going on tour with/falling in love their favourite band.
Some of them are alright, but a lot are just the same thing over and over.

And another thing.

Frerard. Waycest. Rydon. And anything else of that nature.
Ok, so you see a few suggesting pictures, then starts a whole sub-culture of involving two band members (or in the case of Waycest, siblings) in a romantic relationship.
I bet if they read some of these stories, they would be seriously disturbed at the thought of their fans thinking up that kind of situation for them. l know l would.
But please, like l said, l'm not saying this to be a bitch or be mean about any of this. Freedom of speech means l can express my own views freely. And if you don't agree with my views, that's fine. But no hate comments. Please. I wouldn't do it to yours. And if you read carefully, you'll notice l'm not being cruel and nasty in any way. And if l am, l'm sorry. l don't mean it.

Oh, and this.

omg lyk i tell uu wat realli annoyz mee lyk wen ppl rite lyk dis n it iz sooo hard to undastnd wat thay r actully tryn 2 say n then thay dont use n e punctuatin or correct speling or paragrafs or whateva n thay jus rambl on n on n on abut nuffin imprtnt n u sit ther thinkin lyk wtf r thay on about i cant undrstnd wat they r tryn 2 rite i mean lyk thay go 2 skool thay hav n eduction lyk thats y theyr on a riting site rite? they no how 2 rite proply they jus thnk this luuks soo much kewler wel i tell u wat it luuks absolutly ridikulus so lyk if u rite lyk dis u wana thnk agen so u look lyk stoopid n babyish n ur jus embrasng urself. peace mwah

And one more thing.

The Jonas Brothers.

When l first joined Mibba, people were obsessing over My Chemical Romance. Nearly everyone had the "Commandments of The Black Parade" or MCR quotes on their profiles, and pictures of the band members. I love My Chemical Romance, but for their music.
Some people just forget its about the music.
And now it's the Jonas Brothers.
I've listened to them. l don't like them one bit. And l'm not saying they're stupid, or trying to be a bitch, they're just not my style.
But it seems nearly everyone wants to be Mrs Joe/Nick/Kevin Jonas, and are writing fan-fictions (see above) depicting how they're so in love and he writes them a song or whatever.

It's kinda annoying. l barely ever find a story that doesn't include a band or famous person in it. I like original fiction. Much more realistic.

Sorry bout all this. I had a bad day. l needed to vent. I really don't complain like this usually. Please don't leave me angry comments. l don't need them right now.
Someone be my friend? l'll stop complaining then. =D

Gen xx
August 12th, 2008 at 10:47am