Now send me free crap!

Amazon is the place I go when I’m down.

I’m not a big shopper, but sitting in my pajamas at 1:30 in the morning buying old Hum CDs because the dreams keep me awake is something I’m starting to love. The site should really come with a disclaimer – ‘Do not shop here when you are depressed. Your bank account will hate you in the morning.’ I’d never listen; it just makes me too happy. Where else can I buy a CD for a penny? A penny!!! My mom’s all like, “But there’s shipping and handling.” $2.50 – everything included – was all I paid for my Presidents of the USA album. I feel like I discovered some illegal drug here. I just need to spend 30 bucks and I can get my fix of music or movies that I had all but forgotten about. And the biggest perk is that I don’t have to see anyone to do it. I don’t have to get dressed or brush my hair, and one day, packages start showing up in the mail. Sigh.

Is it wrong that mail makes me feel important, even now?
August 13th, 2008 at 01:23am