It's not Sam this time, it's us

Well, the other day i was watching tv, and somebody was talking about the meaning of life.

And, knowing me, i made a theory :D

I'll put it bluntly again: there are two meanings of life.

1. The first meaning of life is to love and be loved. This may sound corny, but i really think its true. I mean, without love, we feel like we really have no purpose among people. I mean, if no one wants you there, it makes ya pretty sad, ya know? And plus, the bible even says God put us on this earth to love him. Every one of us yearns to feel special, otherwise, what's the point?

it's our philosophy: We aim to please.

So, our purpose in this world is love people to make them feel... wanted and purposeful. And they have to return the favor, so we feel wanted and purposeful. That's why we go to church. Like your pastor says: god loves us, and we are here to serve him with love right back.

Make music, not war!
Send love, not troops.
And yes, those were both from jimmy'z

But to be truthful? i don't know.. i believe in god, but... you just can't have someone just tell you that someone loves you. I got to here it straight from that person, or in this case, god. In all honesty, i literally want him to actually show up at my door every day, in his true form, and tell me in a straight-forward way, "Tumi, i love you. I want you to forfill the purpose i created for you, and i want you to love me back, and be thankful for me, and all that jazz. Make me feel special." That would really mean a lot to me.

Okay, i don't EXPECT him to really do that, but a girl can dream. I'd be awesome, ya know? And so... straightforward and one hundred percent definitely true.

I may sound like a really bad christian, but in all honesty, i can't have strong religion on just blind faith. I need answers. I'll sort that out on my own. But i definitely believe in god. Definitely.

Okay, i'm making purpose two reeaaaaly short. You guys must be bored out of ur skulls, if you've read this far. Your a trooper! :]

2. Our second purpose in life is: To play our part in life. Sort of like a job. I mean, we need leaders, followers, instructors, learners, creaters, providers, the whole shebang, to make it possible for everyone to live. We need order, otherwise, we'd all be dead within the hour. We need eachother to survive and make the earth thrive for a eternity. We all need to play our part. Like some-trillion pieces for one whole gigantic puzzle.

Apparently, were doing something wrong.

'Cause the world's falling apart...

Well, i better wrap up before this gets too long. I've been typing for forty minutes!
I hope you didn't get too bored reading my rantings. And i hope this doesn't erase when i submit it. *deep intake of breath*

Well, that's it. Goodnight!

August 13th, 2008 at 06:30am