No No No NO

Ok I DO NOT want to go to open house. I don't want school. Atleast with summer theres this chillin numbness and sure if I'm being driven crazy form being alone plan something with friends. That's it. Open house scares me, I'm so scared that I'm not going to have the people want in my class. Just like last year, only well I had one person tha twas atleast a hope but if he's not going to be there especially it's gunna suck. Call me spolied cuz I swear I was from having him in my class. Encores are going to be bitchin' [and I don't mean in a good way either] and just URGH. NO. I don't want to go my mother will have to DRAG ME. She's probably gunna end up making me go but I don't wanna! NO!!!! Urgh God PLEASE make me sick that day? Please??? Or maybe I'll be the last person there and quickly come in get my stuff and get the HELL out. I don't want to face anyone and I don't want to lose it if I figure out I'm in a shit class. Urgh......-Imagines breaking stuff-
August 14th, 2008 at 12:58am