I am who i am...

I'm not happy
I'm not sad

I can be a friend
I can be a bitch
I can be simple
I can be complicated
I can be emotional
I can be vulnerable
I can be weak
I can be strong

Sometimes I'm the most impossible person to talk to
Sometimes I'm not

Sometimes I'm super hyper
Sometimes I'm quiet

I'm changeable

My mood suits my life
Of course sometimes that's also completely false

I hide a lot of my feelings
I can only really tell very few people who I really am
I can't open up to people and if I do it's a compliment to you

I hate people who discriminate,
I hate racism
I hate sexism
I hate religious intolerance
I hate homophobes
I hate war
I hate George W fucking Bush

Maybe I should say "I dislike"
Hate is a strong word I know and it probably makes me as bad as some of these ppl
I'll leave you to decide

People should be allowed have their religion and be able to follow it
But they shouldn't force their religion on others

I hate people who judge others before taking a good look at them selves
This probably makes me a hypocrite

If I like you either I'll ignore you completely or over-talk to you

I'm fucked up
I know


I'll be who I want to be

I'll be what I want to be

I'll do what I want to do

I'll love who I want to love

You might like me you might not

But I am who I am
I'm not ashamed
And you shouldn't be either

Take me or leave me

It's your choice

Just remember to never hide who you really are
If people don't like you or cant/wont accept you that's there problem not yours

Talk to me...I won't bite

...well I might but you know you'll enjoy it
April 24th, 2007 at 07:03pm