Want more voluminous hair? DON'T DO THIS.

Today, because school starts in a week, I wanted to find a new hairstyle. And today just happened to be the day when I tried for more volume in my hair. I read this article online and it says that you'll get more "voluminous" hair if you flip your head upside down, and blow-dry the roots of your hair while your hair is hanging down.
It made sense to me, so I got my blow-dryer out and went for it. When my hair felt dry, I flipped my head right side up again, only to find that instead of my hair looking like the girls' in the picture, I had an afro.
Litterally. And my hair doesn't normally look like that, so I did what any teenage girl would do. I freaked.
So, with the hopes to make the afro go away, I decided to douse my "hair" in the shower with water. I had just taken a shower, and I didn't feel like taking another one, so I just got out a towel and put it around my shoulders. I have one of those detatchable shower heads, so I was leaning back into the shower, not wanting to get my clothes wet. But I put the thing too close to my head, and it got tangled in my fro'. I was yanking on the spout, trying to get it untangled, when I dropped it and it went all crazy; spewing water ALL OVER THE BATHROOM. By the time I got it turned off, it seemed like the only thing that WASN'T drenched was MY HAIR.
Needless to say, I won't be doing that again.
August 14th, 2008 at 06:02am