Is it strange...

Is it strange to have a sudden obbsession with someone who has the same name as you? Or someone with an adorable accent? Recently I got this obbsession with The Butcher and Chizzy... It's really odd. Like, I always thought The Butcher was really cool cuz we have the same name but just yesterday ((when I changed my name!)) I just got this sudden obbsession where I wanted to always look at him or something. It's really strange. And then with Chizzy that happened today. I was making pages for my photo album ((my mom wanted me to make these pages cuz they were warped tour photos)) and I wrote "Chizzy, there is he." coming from Sisky's mouth and now I just can't get enough of him. BUT! Fast Times At Barrington High is almost out so I guess it's kinda understandable? I'm just excited for Fast Times to come out, 5 days! Oh, and I have 7 days ((The Ring!)) until my Boys Like Girls concert. Okay, just thought I would ramble a bit about that.
August 14th, 2008 at 06:07pm