
Summer reading sucks. I would know, because I have to read TWO completely different books, and then miraculously find some way to REALTE them to eachother.
Teachers these days.
Anyways, I was writing a summary on one of the books and had just about my first page written when I got hungry. I decided to have a turkey and cheese sandwhich.
But I have cats, so when the the turkey comes out, the cats come out.
ALL SIX of them.
In my house, making a turkey sandwhich should be considered an olympic event. Because if it was, I would totally be getting a gold medal. I was simultaneously pushing cats away with my feet, trying to cut a pathway to the counter where I put my masterpeice together.
When I finally had it together, I went back and kneeled in front of the coffe table, where I was writing my paper.
But one of my cats; Denver; continued to follow me. He jumped up onto the coffe table and was sitting in front of me, when I decided to be nice and give him a peice. He was just too cute. :) I peeled a small peice of turkey off the edge of my sandwhich, and held it in front of his mouth.
Normally, he would catch it, chomp on it, and walk away, but this time was different.
Denver caught it, but choked on it and spit half of it out onto the table. I normally wouldn't have thought anything of it, until I realized where it landed.
THEN, as if to make matters worse, Denver goes and LICKS the blob of half-chewed turkey.
And because i'm lazy, I now have a giant, crinkle-y, discolored, spot in the corner of my essay.
And now i'm trying to think up a reasonable exuse for it, but nothings coming to mind.
Hey, I didn't feel like writing it all over again.
August 15th, 2008 at 06:13am