There's a magic in sin

Perhaps it was the helarity and over-dramatic-appeal of the music video that made this random thought become an instant impulsive desicion, but who's to care what the inspiration is now?

I want to write a [short]-story about a cheating couple. Both are having other sexual and romantic encounters behind the other's back. Both the alternate situations and the scenes of the original couple will be just as painful and emotional as the other. The slightly cliche scenarios of villianous, sinners-taking-the-forbidden-fruit that usually surround affairs won't be my aim. These are [hypothetically] real people, not Hollywood pampered characters. When I think of affairs and cheating scandals are familiar to me, a few come to mind..

1. Sex and the City. I don't know exactly what episode, or even what season, but Big has been having an on going affair with Carrie for some while, during his marriage to... Anna? I think that's her name. This one isn't out of a sexual satisfaction he needs to fill, really... its more like he's got to have Carrie, RIGHT NOW, no matter what. Well, that's what it was at first. Eventually, it became almost mundane. Carrie hardly even cared what she was doing, eventually. That was disappointing.

2. The Lovely Bones (I haven't finished it yet, though it's so, SO amazing.) The mother of Suzy Salmon and the police officer that has been on the case of Suzy's murder... well, they're situation is more of my intention. It's all very emotional, while being extremely emotionally detached. Ugh, that was a bad metaphore. Abigail (the mother) and Len (the police officer) are sort of in similar boats. Well, no. They're in boats - that's the only similarity. Abigail's daughter has been murderd, and Len's wife died (a while ago). From my point of view, it's in the tangle of how depressed Abigail becomes, and how sorrowful Len is for her, that the affairs starts. I just got to the part where Abigail leaves her husband and family, too. I very nearly stabbed the book with a butter knife, at that point. (Sorry to spoil anything... i should have warned... oh whatever.)

So basically... I did have a point to this... over another long period of time, I'm sure, I'll find a way of inticing another tragic relationship story out of my mind. Maybe even finish it.
August 15th, 2008 at 11:13am