my dreams, both good and bad.

i had a bad dream.
my daddy had died, and we had moved to india and i had to get married, and it was just awful i was crying and moping all over the place, and i didnt even know the guy i was getting married to i didnt even see him i nt he dream, and i woke up and felt awful, only feeling better that night after seeing and hugging my dad. sniff

and then. the night after that i had this amazing dream.... he was there, at some indian party, but he's not even indian, and it was just an innocent conversation, seeing as i was the only one he knew there, and then he was troubled and he started telling me about it, and as i am, i tried to help, and then he.... well yeah. and the other indians didnt find that pleasent so i had to stop him from doing that here, and then the whole marching band was down the street and so we went to play dodgeball, and one of my new friends wouldnt talk to me and it was strange, and then he started hitting me with a trumpet. but in total it was ohsopleasent, and i dreaded getting up to reality.

then last night, i had this dream that the human race came to an end. a meteorite smashed in the ocean, and it created a slow moving but deadly vapor, that a human couldn't live with for more than three days, and my friend amy and her family and claire and her family were there, and i told them what had happened, and they decided to stay there, and we decided to go to alabama and die there and what the vapor would do was it would rearrange the cells in your digestive track, so you couldnt eat, and than you would die of starvation,a nd it wiped out the human race. i woke around seven,a nd then fell into another three hour frenzy of a dream.

iwas in a checkered school, of plastic surfing(?) and it was where you take a plastic sheet and go sliding down slopes and courses,and i was surprisingly good at it, so i went to abig dancer's hall in the school, and roller skated alll around, meeting a few seventh grade friends, and we sktaed with each other, and then i went into my homeroom, which actually had my homeroom teacher from last year in it, and ate a cupcake. yay!
August 15th, 2008 at 05:54pm