What if...


So I've been wondering what you do if you REALLY like this kid...Ok, don't start on me...I'm not one of those who is all like, "OMG! He's so cute! I just HAVE to go out with him!" one day and then the next is like, "Ew...are you serious? He's so disgusting!" no...this is nothing like that.

See, I've liked him since 3rd grade...and so one day in 6th grade I told him that...Now before that we actually got along pretty good...but once I told him, he just stopped talking to me! Instead, he sent one of his friends, Caleb(or as I like to call him, Aphib) to talk to me. This got pretty annoying after a while, and so then I tried to talk to him...

It failed...miserably.

Keep in mind that this all happened close to 3 years ago!

Anyways, he hasn't talked to me since, and it's REALLY annoying, 'cause even if he doesn't like me like that, he still won't talk to me! I've tried talking to him over MySpace, IM, and other ways, but he just won't talk to me!

Now after a while, the silence got to be too much for me, and I still liked him, like, A LOT, and so I asked him out...big mistake.

That just continued the silence! Except now it was even worse! See, even though he didn't tell his friends, or if he did it never got around the school which was REALLY nice, he didn't even give me a response! Yes, I know that sounds weird, but I wasn't about to go up to him during school and ask him, so I asked him over my friends' MySpace, and he just never replied! Wouldn't you think that someone would at least have the courtesy to say WHY they won't go out...or even just say NO rather than just not say anything?!

Wait- things get worse.

So we were in the same english class this year(8th grade) and he still wasn't talking to me, and then guess what our english teacher did? He gave us a humongous project where leaders had to choose groups! Santa(my English teacher), assigned the leaders, but then the leaders assigned the groups. So one of my friends, Maya, was a leader, which was nice, except for the small fact that she put both me and Cam(the dude who I've liked since 3rd grade) in her group! Luckily, I don't really know how we managed it, but somehow we didn't talk during the duration of the project...somehow.

Well, we got through that, but then my history teacher had to be a bitch and sit us next to each other! My friend Sav passed by me, so I quickly grabbed her and mouthed the words "I'm dead...help me" and she looked over, and she just smirked. See, practically everyone knew I liked him, especially her 'cause we spent a lot of time together 'cause of swimming that year.

Anyways, somehow we managed to "avoid" each other as much as possible during that time too...which was hard. True, it was kinda annoying, 'cause he talked to like, the rest of the row and everyone else, but not me! What do you DO when that happens? What?!
August 15th, 2008 at 11:54pm