Hey, you with the eyes. Yeah, YOU.

Okay, so, I'm basically going to have to get a new computer and slave drive my old hard drive into it, and get my items of importance... so it looks like my stories are not lost. YAY! *happy dance*

Also, I found my jump drive... turns out I have most of what I've written on it. Another YAY! *does a weird ninja like dance* Too bad it didn't have what I wrote of the Frank update. That's still on my computer... =( I would have finished it... but I have the start of my favorite thing I have ever written that I probably will put on here, but you must understand that it is like my child... I love it so much, and I hope someone else does too... And I actually looked on a draft I saved on here... and I have part of a story that isn't on either my computer or jump drive... so that was strange... so now I have three, maybe four things I need to put here................................... not that anyone cares.

Anywho... I'll try and get a new story out this weekend, or maybe earlier this coming week.... if I don't, feel free to harass me until I do.

Also, does anyone want a one shot? I'm bored... and if I don't do it, I'll feel guilty... so I will write it...

I'm tired of being obnoxious about my writings... bye-bye.
August 16th, 2008 at 06:32pm