My Readers

Dear Readers,

I am sorry to do this to you all. I love how you all enjoy my stories but for a weird reason I feel like my updates aren't appreciated. So I will not be updating anything un-less it's Friday or Saturday. Those will be the only dates I will be updating for awhile. That is until I get comments to my stories. It only takes a minute to leave a comment. Even if you didn't like the chapter, please tell me that. I love to get con crit. But I seen to get it from only two people. xFar-From-Lonelyx and fuck-shit. I really appreciate it thank you! I'm really sorry for doing this. If you're an author, who like me, enjoys getting comments and feels this way, then please tell me what you would do. Because I don't know anymore. I'm at the point where I may not even update anymore. I'm starting to think that you guys don't like my stories.

Much Love,
August 16th, 2008 at 11:09pm