Since it's after midnight, technically, I saw them last night. I went to Myth, a night club in St. Paul, Minnesota. I was in the third row. The concert didn't start on time, but then again, they never do. It's just part of going to concerts. They opened with "Break Away," but I don't remember the order of the rest of the set. It gets kind of fuzzy after that with all the pushy fangirls and sweating.

I cried during "Don't Jump" and "By Your Side," because the original German versions of those songs helped me a ton when my then-boyfriend broke up with me in November of last year.

Can I just say how adorable Bill is onstage? He tries so hard not to let his accent show too much, but it was still cute. The first thing he said after they played about three songs was "How doing?" He then grinned at the screaming crowd and said "How ladies doing tonight, huh?" Seriously. Cute. As. A. Chibi.

I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to guitars, so while everybody was screaming "I love you, Tom!" when he was on our side of the stage, I was fighting the urge to yell "Nice Flying-V!" I don't play Gibson guitars, but it was still a really good one.

Bill got me wet. Not like that, you perv! He was spattering water out of a water bottle at the crowd. He was in the middle of a sentence when he abruptly said "Oh, do you guys need some water before we continue?" It's a little sad to me that fangirls are so obsessed, there was fighting over the water bottle after he threw it into the crowd. Seriously. They're like, "Omigod! Bill's backwash!" It's honestly pathetic.

As a seasoned 16-year-old, I felt like a grandmother in that crowd. I swear, 80% of the kids were there for their first concert. I mean, good for them, but chill. They're people, just like all of us are people.

This might sound strange, but I'm a little disappointed at the volume of the concert. Until they played "Durch den Monsun" at the very end, it wasn't even close to being loud enough to make my pantlegs vibrate, and I love that at a concert. It just feels so funny.

Oh, and I bought a tee shirt at their merch table.

It was a great concert. It would have been amazing if the little 13-year-old kids would have stopped dry-humping me and screaming about how much they love Tom/Bill/Both of the twins. Don't get me wrong, the boys are cute. I just wish more people would have been there for the music, not just to stare at the guys.
August 17th, 2008 at 07:29am