Aloha :)

So I just joined mibba tonight, and I'm getting the hang of it, I suppose... I put up the first chapter of my story, Murder Machine, to see how it all goes down. I must say the mibba system totally pwnz quizilla hahha.

But I have nine complete parts to that story so far, and I'll probably put them up tomorrow. If I get feedback, it may inspire me to continue it :) That's sort of the reason I signed up here. I've had major...major...insanely major writer's block for the past... year? It's crazy. So I want to write again. I miss it.

I'll also be posting my complete story Sweet Talk 101, which is a Ryan Ross and William Beckett slash. And my story called Faces In The Hall which is a Rydon and a Treckett all at once :D I also have many one-shots that I'll surprise you with.

Yes... mostly all I write is slash. But it strays from just bandfics! I have a couple Remus Lupin/Sirius Black one-shots that may just show up one day. I actually have one het fic though; it only has two complete parts, but it's William Beckett and it has lots of potential and I plan on continuing it :)

Good night!

August 17th, 2008 at 10:20am