Something broke (my second try)

Hey, so since my first entry (what, an hour ago) I just can't seem to stop writing or thinking about writing. And...I got my first comment!! Thank you Jessica!! -This shit's addictive....- anyway.
The drama that loves me back continues.
Since last gut spillage, I also found out that the few times I was upset with my friend and went to my ex (yeah, prime choice, right? Go me.) he carefully gleaned the most hurtful things from my words to tell my friend. She confronted me about that and I pretty much lost it. I quickly assured her that the things he made it seem like I felt were completely wrong, which I felt guilty doing because some of them weren't all THAT wrong, but no way can she know that. Cause when it comes down to it, I love her after all.
She then warned me not to go to my ex about it. I reluctantly agreed as she told me a few more facts about his slightly sick and cruel sentiments towards me. Okay, that's fine. But I'm not over this kid yet? No way, man. Not anymore. That's where it broke and I let myself feel what I really wanted to let out. And yeah, there's a little, mean, spiteful part of me that HATES him. Just despises his slimy little core of a being. Well, okay, it's not too little...but I can still keep a cool head around him. At least, I think. I haven't seen him since said revelation/loss of sanity, so that's a saga for a different day. So, that's it, I really, really hate him. Also, let's be friends? He's still... well, sort of interesting. I guess. It'd be a shame to carry hate with me, as I'm one of those granolas who believes it's not good for the soul. But he really, really let me down this time and it's the last time. Why was I counting on him for anything at all? No answer, of course. All I know is, not anymore. Not a chance.
My friend and I likened it to a horror movie. He's that one kid, who thinks he has all the great ideas? And ends up getting at least one hot character killed? Yeah. And today there was this god-awful scream and his red chucks got belched up by the monster. Cue me staring in horror for like, 3 seconds before running away to kick some monster ass. She also says the movie doesn't end till the remaining hot people hook up, but I say it's a damn long movie then, because I'm just not ready for anything serious yet. And believe me, when I get with someone I go serious. Hard not to. Just a loving creature ;)
So that was my uplifting note, cuties, more later! (Next, my weird online relationship with some dude in Tahoe who thinks I carry a knife.)
August 17th, 2008 at 10:30am