List of the day.

1. Hoover my room, hallway and dining room.
2. Re-paint my finger nails and toe nails.
3. Watch Greek.
4. Watch American Dreams.
5. Watch Mythbusters. :D
6. Put together a few chapters of my story from all the scattered notes I have in my notebook.
7. Finish criticizing Michelle's story. ;D
8. Drink coffee!
9. Cure my OJD... Oh wait, I'm not gonna do that! Moaha.

What are you guys doing today?
I was gonna leave it at that but apparently that entry was "too short". Does that mean this is considered spam?! I have a hard time figuring what actually is spam and what is not. Does anyone know where to draw the line? There, I have two questions for you now.
Let's try again.
August 17th, 2008 at 01:04pm