Mr. Cortez.

Hot damn;I'm on a journal spree.

Even though no one comments my journals [barely], I know a lot of you read them, so I'll post this.

In my other journal about seeing Sir Bobby Bryar outside my town's record shop [here] I thought I took a picture of Matt Cortez talking to one of the dudes behind the counter thingy.

I looked in my saved pictures after I stormed out of the place when Bob left only to see that the picture had been deleted/was not there.

Well, randomly like a few weeks ago, a while from when the Bob thing had happened, I was looking through all my pictures on my phone 'cause it was running out of room and I have about 400ish, most of which I can and should delete. So, I was looking through them and I stumbled upon the picture of Matt that I had taken so very 'secretly':

He is quite the midget.

Turns out my phone tends to like to switch the order of the picture I take, so they end up all scrambled and random. When I had pressed save after taking it, it must've deemed it time for a good scramble, thus leaving me really pissed off and having no proof of my encounter.

Well, in that picture you can clearly see Matt... unless you're blind. Then you can't see him, or read this for that matter.

Anywho, even though this is, in fact, a picture of Matt who I am not fond of in any way, I'm glad I have it... for the memories and such.

Now I'm going to return to watching South Park shows online and eating... um... what are they called? Oh yeah... olives.

August 18th, 2008 at 03:35am