Back In The Days

Remember when getting old meant sitting in the front seat of your mom's mini-van?
When mixing different colored Play-Doh was rebellious.
Cooties were the only disease you could get from a boy.
Chocolate syrup was your drug.
Bubblicious was the new black.
Walkmans were attached to your older siblings hip, almost constantly.
You owned a GameBoy Color.
The biggest curse word was either "Shut up" or "I hate you".
You have a "My little pony" lunchbox.
Mom was your hero, and dad was the boy you were going to marry.
You wanted to be a Powerpuff girl when you grew up.
Wearing skirts didn't make you a slut.
You've owned many goldfishes.
The only thing that hurt were bee stings or knee scrapes.
You acted out Star Wars scenes with flashlights.
I remembered all these things, but the only thing I tried hard to forget, was growing up.
August 18th, 2008 at 07:07pm