I'm generalizing?

Fuck you.
If you had read that journal right, you obviously would have realized I was only talking shit about like, TWO Christian people,
not the millions of them.
I would like to thank the one person (varkatzas.) who actually realized what I meant.

Now, for everyone who said I was "generalizing",
I've read your profiles
You do realize every time you say "I hate"
That is generalizing?

Say if you say "I hate the skinny vain people."
Just because people like to be skinny and pretty,
doesn't mean they should be hated.

Or, if you say something like, "I hate jocks/preps/ect."
I know some very decent people, who aren't in my "clique",
They don't deserve to be hated.

So lovely dears,
don't be hypocrites.
August 18th, 2008 at 08:52pm