It is you i set my standards to.

my life is being ripped out from under me.
my surroundings are being torn away.

i don't know what it is.
but they've changed.
she's changed.

she's become selfish.
bitchy and uncaring.

all she wants is to go out
have everyone agree with her
and have everything her way.

when something goes wrong
or doesn't happen the way she wants it to
she blames it on him.

i blame the surgery.

she's not who she used to be.
she's narsisitic. egotistical. rude. bitchy. needy. uncaring. not understanding.

they were the perfect ones.
the ones i always compared my self to.
the ones i wanted to be just like.
the ones i respected most in my entire life.
my heros.

and now she's ruining all of it.

she's changed so much
and i don't understand it.

I love him, but I'm not in love with him.

i don't know what to do.
what to think
what to say
how to act.

i'm drowining in my own house.

my perfect family that i loved.
is falling to peices.
August 19th, 2008 at 01:20am