Is He A Creeper? My online dilemma.

A guy started talking to me via email on a social internet radio site a few weeks ago. We started emailing back and forth, apparently I said the right things because he really opened up. When he started asking me questions about myself, I had to come up with answers...
So I introduced Molly.
A sweet but lonely young-30's New Yorker who carries an Emerson Viper knife. sales consultant to the Robert Allen Group.
Now, Jeff knows Molly very well. But I'm getting worried. Is she becoming me? Am I becoming her? Can I keep long as it takes?
I'm running to dictionary. com and wikipedia every other sentence. This guy is clearly the age he says he is, and has been places that are getting over my head. He's stoned most of the time and becoming unintelligible.
Should I get this off my chest?
I'd like to tell him I'm just not Molly, or anything he thinks I am. Molly's favorite films were googled, I haven't even seen them. The charade is tiring. But, he's idealistic and already lonely. To tell him Molly is an illusion might be a blow I don't want to deal. If she helps him... is this worth it?
It's pretty much a fundamental is the truth always better deal.
I'd love any input you have to offer!
August 19th, 2008 at 09:19am