
I've just come to realise something.

When you have friends you have to love them and treasure them forever. And that's what I did. But then I realised that sometimes your friends don't return the favour.

It was Tuesday the 19th of August. 2 weeks until we returned to school. I woke up at about 10.30am and listened to my music in my bed for about ten minutes (Metro Station - Control) and then got bored, so I decided to go downstairs.
When I got downstairs my dad was watching the olympics, and Great Britain had just won 2 (now 3) gold medals! (Hurrah!).
Though eventually I got bored of watching people on bikes riding in circles for hours, so I logged onto MSN.
My happiness was soon short lived when my "Best Friend" since year one when I first moved to my primary school, and so had she, logged on.
It wasn't because she logged on in general that I was unhappy, I mean she was my best friend for christ's sake, why would I be down about that.
So she logs and and I'm about to click on her to say when a conversation with her screen name flashes at the bottom of my screen, signalling she's said something.
So I clicked on it and I waited for my computer to respond and eventually it showed up.

"Why did you call my brother a retard?"

I was very confused. You see, I'd seen her brother for the first time in two years because me and his sister ended up going to different secondary schools, so I was quite shocked.

And when I said that I didn't she laughed and said other stuff and blocked me. And by that point I was crying and sobbing asking her to forgive me and that I was sorry for whatever I did wrong.

But no. No change. So I sent her a comment on Myspace. And she replied with:

"Don't make me laugh. Best Friends? For a while maybe, but then you accused me of bullying when you knew I didn't do anything."

So I started crying more, and whilst my friends are trying to comfort me over msn, I was in hysterics and depression wondering what I'd done. So in the end my friends told me that she was a bitch and that no matter how hard I tried, I shouldn't waste my breath, or my energy on typing. Because apparently, if she was saying all that, she wasn't worth the effort.

I eventually found out someone had told her that I'd called her brother a retard, when I hadn't. So it was them to blame, and she said something about it being on my Myspace Profile or something or other, I don't know. I gave up trying.

So treasure your friends whilst you've got them, and love them dearly. You never know when they're going to turn on you like mine did.

So my dearbest friend. If you somehow end up reading this and have come to terms with the hell you put me through that morning and afternoon, and the horror you put my friends though, then I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ever talking to you again this morning.
I'm sorry for being your friend.
I'm sorry for existing in your world.

But remember: It's not all about you...
August 19th, 2008 at 04:44pm