Hey All You Vegetarians and Vegans!

I have an odd feeling a lot of people are going to become severely pissed off at me because of this.

“Go vegan!”

“Meat is murder!”

“Don’t eat meat!”

That’s all you seem to hear these days.

Veganism and Vegetarianism. Everyone’s doing it!

People always say, make your own choices, do what you want to do, but then those same people go back around and say “Go vegan! Don’t eat meat!”

And then how does that make you feel?

Vegetarians and vegans have a record of putting people who eat meat down, not all of them, but the good majority, calling them all murderers, heartless, cruel, forcing this lifestyle on them.

What if they simply have to eat meat to live?
Now I know almost every single one of you reading this is either thinking or saying “That’s bullshit!”

Actually, it isn’t.

I personally, have tried to be a vegetarian, and it almost killed me.
No not mentally or emotionally, but physically.

I also have friends who have been through the same thing.
You probably all think I’m lying through my teeth, well why would I lie about this?

I, and my friends, couldn’t get enough nutrients or protein from not eating meat.
Now you’re all probably thinking, “Should have taken protein or supplements.” Or “Well you probably didn’t eat the right stuff.”

We all took protein and vitamin supplements, and we all ate everything we could find that was vegetarian or vegan, and it still happened.
After a month, I was taking three protein supplements and six various nutrient supplements a day. After three months, I had lost almost 30 pounds.

My one friend lost almost 50.

I am not saying that this is unhealthy in the least, what I’m trying to prove is that not everyone can be a vegetarian or vegan. Contrary to popular belief, people’s bodies react differently to those lifestyles.

So four friends and I tried to be vegetarian or vegan (three were vegan, myself and my friend who lost 50 pounds, were vegetarian) and ended up in the hospital in the course of six months.

I have people come up to me everyday, telling me to be a vegetarian or be a vegan, and I just can’t. It pisses me off and it makes me hate myself, because I do not want to eat meat, but I simply have to. One of my friends is still a vegan to this day, she toughed it out and ended up not caring about her health, she originally had done the best out of all of us. Today I try to eat meat as little as possible, and I still have to take the proteins and supplements, but I do what I can, and that’s enough for me, so why can’t it be enough for you?

So, everyone, all those vegans and vegetarians, before you get onto that meat-eater about what they’re doing, please think.

Maybe they just can’t do it.
August 20th, 2008 at 07:13am