Sorting out my head--suggestions?

Closest friend pissed at me for repeatedly siding with ex-boyfriend in fights.
Let's call him A, and let's call her C.
C insists that I, B, am not fully over A. A could really care less about any of this, so we won't bother with him. C decides to become angry and ignore B. B offers no retaliation, having been through this before. C continues to walk all over B. B gets frustrated.
So that's where we are now.
B is tempted to speak to A, just to clear the head a little. Unsure if it will actually help. B is reluctant to talk to A without first smoothing things over with C, as in C's current state, this will probably confirm her suspicions about B's residual sentiments toward A. B is currently avoiding them both.
B treasures C's friendship, but does not feel she is getting the respect she deserves. C probably thinks that she's a martyr for putting up with B's horrible, horrible cruelties. Um, kay.
B is aware that she got herself into this by allowing C to take her for granted and treat her kind of badly. C is hyper-sensitive to criticism, anger, and any negative emotions other than her own. This deters B from mentioning her feelings, opting instead to keep them inside to fester, fester......B is going on a terrible rant. Somebody stop her.
Anyway, A wouldn't really matter in my life if it weren't for C. A and C, though, seem to be getting along quite nicely as of now. C always talks to me about A, which really confounds me. For already speculating that I'm not over him, why would I want to hear about him? Right now, I'm trying to put him out of my head, because usually when he's in my head, I end up getting pretty pissed off. All of this is outrageous, and I'm totally sick of feeling... just about everything I feel right now. I'm very sorry for making this so confusing, but I'm confused. Just putting it out there to be criticized, picked apart.... whatever you feel like. Enjoy. And if you wanna, I relish hearing what you have to say.
August 20th, 2008 at 09:11am