okay so yesterday? yeah, yesterday i went shopping in Islington, England with my uncle's ex-girlfriend (shes very nice)

We went to this market place and i saw all these stuffed animals? they seemed more along the lines of teddy scares, but anyways, i bought one and my aunt thought it was.....interesting... to say the least.i thought it was cute! she's made of sock-like material. (kind of like a sock money i guess, but I already have one of those)

she has a hot pink body with bees on it.a gray,light blue and dark blue striped head and arms. One big black button and a slightly smaller Hot pink button for an eye. her mouth is stitched with black thread and is set in a mischievous grin. and one eyebrow raised. (im envious of that cause i cant do it) I think she's adorable and her name is Bugsy Bugison.

Lauren gave me the last name cause I couldnt think of one and I thought of the first name. My aunt is deeply distrurbed by the way she looked so i said Bugsy would eat her if she was mean. Quite frankly I think she is quite capable of that if you saw her. she's cute in a wierd kind of way.

As soon as I can find my camera....which has convienently disappeared over the last week. Or maybe I left it in Cali. Not sure. But When I get back to Cali, I'll post a pic of her.

here is a link if you've never heard of teddy scares:

check them out fo!

I thank anyone who took the time to read this retardedness called a blog. I realize there was no REAL point to this but, eh, i was bored and its 11 PM. Whats a girl to do? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW!

anyways, BYE! thanks again!
August 20th, 2008 at 02:42pm