One-Shots (please comment I need help I have no idea what I'm doing)

Ok, I've decided I want to write a one-shot, which I've never done. And I read something that said we can't write one-shots in the stories section. Which brings me to my point, if I want to write a one-shot, do I have to go to where it says collections, just above stories?
Because yes. I am confused. And I don't want to break any rules, heaven forbid I break some rules!!
But yes. A little help would be greatly appreciated!

Oh. And because I feel like adding this.
I finished my cake for the show today. This is what it looks like =XD


Two old ladies were laughing at it. They thought a boy did it. And everyone that looked at it in my class just shook their heads and said "typical Gen".
I'm not disturbed. I'm just creative!

Anyway. Please help with the whole one-shot thingy. I really wanna write one.


Gen xx
August 21st, 2008 at 12:04pm