i miss the good old days ♥

Well, I'm going into grade 11 in around...two weeks. :O and im going to miss summer soo much. Although...there will be a lifetime of summers to come.
But I was thinking about what universities/colleges to go to, and I realised how fast everything is moving! And I really miss the good old days of childhood.
I mean...think about it:
You were carefree
Didn't have a shitload of responsibilities
Main goal...was fun
Didn't have to pay for things
Didn't have to worry about the "latest fashions"
Kindergarten might have been al little intimidating at the time...but looking back now...come on.
School was 498689675 times easier and less stressful
No one was on stupid diets.
The shows made you laugh without a care
Things seemed happier because you were so oblivious to reality
You could run around half naked and no one would think twice. lmao
No highschool drama
& soooooooo much more

Ugh, in general...just the carefree lifestyle of being a kid.
It goes by ridiculously fast :(
August 21st, 2008 at 07:15pm