16-17th august.

the best weekend of my life.
v festival 2008.

okay so this is who i saw on the saturday; (the no. of * is how good they were.)
the stranglers ***
robyn **
calvin harris ****
lenny kravitz ***
amy winehouse * (she was wasted, it was such a shame)
kings of leon **** (i got mauled)
the chemical brothers ** (only saw a wee bit)
the guillemots *

and this is who i saw on the sunday;
the script **** (awesome band.)
the hoosiers ***
the kooks ***
the stereophonics ****

and then, at half nine on sunday night... MUSE.
it was the most phenominal hour and 40 minutes of my life.
i, by some miracle (in the form of a muddy wasted guy who had to get pulled out by the stewards, creating a gap for me), managed to make it to the barrier.
i can't even describe how good it was. it was like.. totally surreal.
it was like being on a totally different planet from everyone else in the world, like the 10,000 people in that feild were just being spun off into another world with muse. its the most unbeleivable, out of this world thing.
the light show, the music, everything, was just amazing. by the time knights of cydonia had finished i had never felt so exhilirated in my life.
they played all their best and another phenominal one was "map of the problematique". its the most amazing song, i haven't stopped listening to it since i got home.
if you dont have it, DOWNLOAD IT.

i left that field so fucking high on LIFE.
it makes you think every second you spend being a miserable sod for whatever reason is POINTLESS, because you could be feeling like i felt at that time. that's the kind of adrenaline and happiness the human body and mind can create.
so why waste time?
after watching muse i suddenly understood what "thrill seekers" are all about. if you can compare the adrenaline i felt after muse to the adrenaline those people feel when they do crazy shit, then i can understand why they do it. they're some of the most clever people on the planet.
unfortunately i'm just too much of a pussy to do stuff like bungee-jumping. i'll consider it though.

all in all though, a fucking amazing experience. it was my first festival too (:

so yeah.. muse muse muse muse muse.
never forget it.

claudia XXX
August 21st, 2008 at 11:08pm