A conversation A lot of Teenagers NEED to have with their Parentals.

I had a convo with my mom a while ago over e-mail while I stayed in England for a month. She didnt approve of my friends and this is what she and I had to say......


Me:mom....she was my friend. I was just wondering what was going on. Chill out. besides i have a right to talk to her.

Mom:WAS is the operative word...and as for a "right" to talk to her NO you do not. If I say no that means no...I do not need any more negativity filling your head. If I felt ok with you and how you think it would be one thing but you let bad shit fill your head sometimes and SHE is BAD SHIT...We want positive fun people...not girls who show their ass on MYSPACE....so no yoiu may not speak to her.

Me:could you overeact any more? jeez. I was just curious. chill out. Really, you put the declaration of Independence to shame. I at this point have NO rights. Fine I'll stop talking to her so YOU feel better. Do you honestly think my head is filled with negativity? Do you honestly think that I'm so messed up I can't think positive things, in my own? Thats really messed up. And no you dont have to delete it, i said i'd stop talking to her, and I will.

Mom:You swear you are all done and grown up...Let me tell you something...you are not and you do not know EVERYTHING! Do not talk this way to me I am not someone to mess with when I do what I do for you. Show some respect and it will be shown to you. Until then you will do as I say whether you agree with it or not.

me:i wouldnt have been yelling at you if you were standing in front of me. You can't here the tone of my voice so don't assume I'm being an ass about it. I was stating a simple fact. An I am well aware that I dont NOT know everything, I AM naive, I may look older but I'm not. I'm still a kid. I GET IT. I KNOW there is still a lot of growing up to do and quite frankly, while I'm still a kid and don't need to worry as much as an adult, I would like to make my own mistakes and not worry about EVERYTHING you think I should. It is too much. I NEED mistakes to learn. So let ME do the learning rather than YOU telling me everything from your perspective.

I seriously wasn't being a smartass or anything, I'm stating the obvious.

Note: this was over e-mail and me and my mother are constantly fighting. Its frustrating, but ya know....our personalities and biews on things clash a lot, its not a good thing when you live with the person either. I bet a lot of people foght with their parents....i think its almost an unwritten law that you are supposed to foght with your paretns....But ya know I just try to get them to understand usually. Then other times/mostly we end up in screaming matches for days on end. Regardless...this may sound stupid.....Dont automatically yell try to contain it and TALK dont yell....believe me it wont always help. Or go listen to music,write,draw, sing, play your instrument, just get away. You dont NEED to sit there and listen ALL the time. Take a break. Sit back and relax every once in a while.

feel free to comment :)
August 22nd, 2008 at 01:32am