
Well, open house was yesterday and shockingly I am in a pretty good class. There's one specific person I didn't want in my class and even though I feel ashamed about it I'm happy their not there, consdiering I have issues to sort out. I'm not sure what school holds for me this year, every other year I used to imagine it being perfect and had my own little adventures planned but that always changed. Never wish for something unless oyu can wish carefully because it will come true, just not in the way you want it to. But I do think thta there are some things this year which will be good. Some will be funny, others will maybe hurt. I might just get some answers about things I don't even dare ponder on. One thing I'm really hoping for is well....Nah I won't tell you. It's far-fetched. But a girl can dream right?


Heaven and hell I suppose. I have to see somebody I can't stand to be around but life just might make it up for me tomorrow night, 7-11.
August 23rd, 2008 at 12:44am