Creature Feature...and a band from Chicago

I saw Creature Feature on Wednesday, and it was very amazing.

They played a song off their upcoming album, and to those who listen to CF, it was a GREAT song; this album is looking pretty fantastic.

Who else listens to them? I'm thinking about going to see them in Chicago in about a week.

My friend drove seven hours to come see them with me while I was in Georgia. We almost didn't make it because she was late on arriving, she hit so many work zones and a detour or two. So she got there at like, 7:30, we left shortly after 8 PM...the doors opened at 7 by the way. Atlanta is about a two hour drive away from where I was at, so I drove, and WE. HAULED. ASS.

We got there an hour and fifteens minutes later; we were slightly worried we had missed the show as it was almost 10 when we got there. But we received a sign in the form of Erik X walking into the venue and music was coming from the venue. So we knew we had made it before CF went on stage (as they were the headlining band).

And there was this band called Tub Ring, they're from Chicago, and they effing rock. I have a new band to listen to. Look them up, they rock (Shameless Advertising by Andrea W.)

So we made it, got stuff signed, got pictures taken, it was awesome. And we had fun. :)

Thought I'd let you know.
August 23rd, 2008 at 06:43am