9:30 To Anywhere

It's the name me and Kirsty gave ourselves when we play acoustically, dudes. We're still in Riddle Of The Infinite, obviously, this is just a little extra project for us and we're pretty excited about it actually. We'd seriously appreciate some feedback?
Anyways I find myself checking out mibba more and more recently - there was a really long time when I didn't go on it at all... seriously for like... five months... Did I miss much hehe?
Why'd I go off it? I got well into RP forumming actually because I was already so into writing etc... if you don't do it and you like to write (kDUH... we're on a writing site) you should totally check it out. I've just made Gotham's Knight (http://z10.invisionfree.com/GothamsKnight/index.php?act=idx), which is a Dark Knight forum and it's really cool... like writing fanfics but from the point of view of only one character y'know?
So what's everyone else been up to? How'd your GCSE results go? Lookin' forward to going back to school lol? Come chat to me I'm bored here...
August 23rd, 2008 at 04:04pm