READ THIS before reading Ode to an Angel

ok so my poem Ode to an Angel has a bit of a story behind it, and i feel like im cheating anyone who is reading it since they dont know. Well, you see, my father is a lawyer and one of his clients was a girl who got burned REALLY REALLy bad. it was crazy, her arms, legs, back, face, all of it. they even had a amputate her left leg from the knee down. her hands are permantly in a curl, her fingertips are amputated and she has to walk around with an oxygen tank hooked up to her. The thing is, that eventhough she went through all this, she is still one of the funnist, optimistic people i know. when i first met her she had the biggest smile on her face (we spent the entire day at sea world). i swear Kayla is so strong. Her brother, Brian, made fast friends with my little brother and her older sister Britanny was really really nice. Bonnie, her mom, just thought that my dad walked on water. she was so grateful to what he did for them (considering Kayla's dad wasn't really there at all but i dont know enough about that to really talk about it). Anyway, when it seemed that the troubles were over with that family, Bonnie got sick. When my mom told me, i just thought "What? Bonnie in the hospital? is she ok?" but i dont think i really proccessed that it was the HOSPITAL. ive been blessed enough to have every loved one that went into the hospital to come out ok, and i guess my little fantasy life where the theme is "everything is going to be ok" covered my eyes to a real problem. i got home from spending a great day with my best friend as happy as anyone could be. i even had my baby cousin Laura there to run and greet me with a hug. but my mom pulled me aside and told me the bad news.....bonnie didnt make it. all i could think about as i sunk to the floor in shock was Kayla. she had almost lost her life, and within a two year period she had lost her mother. Brittany lost her mother. Brian, who was no older than 10 lost his mother. it was horrible. i just wanted to share the inspiration for this peice with yall because i think that its important to know what such a personal peice derived from. please, if you taken the time to read this, please take the time to read my poem and comment. thanks
August 23rd, 2008 at 05:18pm